Телеграм-канал дорожного комитета рассказал, что все время праздников работа коммунальщиков и дорожников шла в усиленном режиме. Чтобы ленинградцы смогли сегодня добраться до работы, с вечера и всю ночь трудились около 500 человек и более 400 единиц снегоуборочной техники.
Despite the holidays, 500 workers and 400 pieces of specialized equipment worked around the clock to ensure Leningrad Oblast's roads were clear and passable for the start of the work week.
Emphasis was placed on clearing stops for public transportation and school routes.
Despite the holidays, 500 workers and 400 pieces of specialized equipment worked around the clock to ensure Leningrad Oblast's roads were clear and passable for the start of the work week. Emphasis was placed on clearing stops for public transportation and school routes.